Piarom Date
In Southern city of Iran means Hajiabad in Hormozgan Province one of the most tasty and delicious semi-dried dates in the world is cultivated. This is called Piarom date. The thin dark brown color of dates with its flesh and skin sticking perfectly together has a beautiful appearance. Its moisture content is low and its semi-cultivar figures are considered. Since the seed and flesh are tightly attached, it has an attractive appearance which can be rinsed completely. It is a late fruiting date fruit. The quality of its fruit is suitable and from the export point of view the date market and customers pay attention a lot.
Piarom dates are rich in sugars, proteins and minerals and have high nutritional value. As fructose is the predominant sugar in this type of date, it is easily and quickly consumed in metabolism of the body. Accordingly, it is recommended to the people suffering from diabetes.
Dates have high nutritional value and they should be taken into account in the food pyramid.due to the small number of dates, each unit of it contains two or three dates. If you eat two or three fruits, you can substitute one of them with dates.
Since dates have fibre, they are suitable for digestive system and nutrition. In addition, the date contains carotenoids or coloring materials that are considered a vitamin A precursor and antioxidant. Also, it prevents lesions and cells cancers.
Torabi said that: vitamin C is one of the other date nutrients and it is necessary for preventing ascorbate. Human being should receive 60 Mg of vitamin C during the day. It is nearly 14 Mg in 100 gr dates.
Considerably, there is a lot of potassium in this fruit which prevents high blood pressure and it is necessary for nerves muscles. In addition, dates have a lot of magnesium which is necessary for nerves and muscle.
Piarom palm trees are cultivated in mountain ranges. They are designed stream at the surface of the region and they are at irrigated at various levels by river of the region. Iranian palm trees grown organically and they are free of any chemicals and pesticides.
Because this region is cooler and the piarom dates are cultivated in this area, in comparison with other regions, it takes a lot of time to have a ripe date.